Blemish Free Skin In 10 Days – The Secret To Amazing Skin Fast

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Blemish free skin is smooth and flawless. It’s the skin most people can only dream of having. While most people want to solve their acne problems, they just don’t get how.

Acne solutions get thrown at us from every direction, and there are hundreds of different solutions and blogs.

There is so much information that it can be overwhelming, so I will keep it simple.

While acne is mostly a teen problem, adults are now seeing a large amount of skin problems as well.

With the amount of stress that people go through every day and poor diet, it’s no surprise that more adults are getting acne too.

So no matter what age you are, If you want blemish free skin in 10 days, then there are some things you have to know.

woman cleaning face

What is acne?

Acne blemishes can be embarrassing and take forever to get rid of, but what is acne. Acne is a skin condition that effects everyone at least once in their life.

Although it is mostly a teen problem, due to hormone changes causing oily skin, it can affect adults as well. Acne has many forms from blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, and zits, but can all be solved with mostly the same methods.

cystic acne treatment

It is also one of the most common skin ailments in the US, affecting up to 50 million people every year.

It is also an inflammatory skin condition, which is usually chronic. Acne can show up anywhere like the face back or neck, although it is most commonly on the face.

Acne is caused when hair follicles become clogged due to secretions from the sebaceous gland. The glands produce a greasy substance, and that is what clogs the follicle.

NOTE: Pimples can become extremely inflamed and even cause scars.

1. Why do acne blemishes happen? 

There are many factors that can cause acne including stress, climate, make-ups, and even genetics. As a teen, the sebaceous gland which is located in hair follicles, increase sebum production.

This is because of the hormone changes going through the body. Sebum normally acts as a moisturizer for the skin. This waxy substance is very sticky and can collect dead skin cells and bacteria.

As the pore fills, it can get clogged and in some cases, causes it to rupture spilling bacteria onto the surrounding skin.

2. What affects acne growth? 

The more oily your skin the more the chance that you can get more acne. Acne growth is caused by hormonal changes like pregnancy, it can also be cause by stress, bad hygiene, and even genetics.

woman smiling

How to get rid of acne?

There are a few ways to deal with acne on a daily basis that everyone should do. While these things aren’t that hard to do, most of them are overlooked.

1. What to eat? 

You need to stay away from dairy. Dairy products have been known to affect acne production. Starting eating healthy foods.

Healthier foods can work to clear skin. Add vegetables and/or fruit to every meal you have, leading to a well-rounded diet.

2. What should I do? 

You should start by developing a daily routine. Your routine should start by washing your face. Make sure when washing to not scrub.

Pat your face dry, don’t rub. Rubbing your face dry can lead to irritation.

Use a daily acne cleanser, pick a cleanser that is right for your skin type. Do a light workout at least three times a week.

Working out decreases stress, leading to less acne. Working out can also increases oxygen in your skin cells and carries away waste in the cells.

Don’t over exert yourself, sweating can actually irritate the skin more. Keep it light.

cystic acne treatment

3. What should I avoid? 

Avoid getting your pores dirtier, this means don’t pick at your pimples. Picking at your pimples can spread the bacteria around and cause scarring. Wash your face every day.

Be careful with your makeup. Wearing to much makeup can clog pores, making acne even worse.

Stay out of the sun. U.V. rays can cause havoc on your skin, including spots of discoloration, and inflammation.

acne blemish cleanser

So What Is The Secret To Having Blemish Free Skin In 10 Days

So before your start your daily routines, workout, and new diet, you need to take care of the blemishes you already have.

The best way to do that is jump start your skin cleansing. If you want blemish free skin in 10 days then you need to do everything on this list for the next 10 days.

1. Wash and steam your face. 

Wash your face in the morning and follow it with a steam spray. The steam will further help unclog your pores, opening the pores and killing bacteria. If you can’t take the steam, you can use a wash cloth.

Wet it in warm water, ring it out a little, and let it rest on your face. This will achieve the same effect. Do this between 5 and 10 minutes.

2. Exfoliate. 

Exfoliating will allow you to get more dirt out of your pores, clearing the skin. You can do this with a towel or a sponge.

Use charcoal soap, it exfoliates skin very well.

3. Use a daily face mask. 

An acne face mask can get rid of toxins, bacteria, micro-particles, chemicals, and dirt. The mask absorbs those foreign particles and works to carry them away when you rinse off the mask.

One of the most effective masks is also made out of charcoal. If you don’t use charcoal for both exfoliating and a face mask, use them for at least one.

blemish free skin in 10 days

4. Drink lots of water. 

Drinking water hydrates the skin and cleans out toxins.

5. Stop squeezing pimples. 

Popping pimples spreads bacteria to different areas. The bacteria goes into different follicles, and blocks more pores.

If you have an urge to pop them, just use ice. The ice will numb the area and provide relief.

6. Get some sleep. 

Sleep helps reduce stress, reducing stress and relaxing allows the body time to repair itself. Allow yourself at least 8 hours of sleep every night for these 10 days.

cystic acne treatment

The Last Things To Know

1. What to avoid. 

Avoid having dirty fingernails. Most people don’t even realize this but when you scratch your face with dirty nails, you are putting all that dirt into your pores.

You are unknowingly adding more of a problem just from a little itching.

2. Wash your pillow case. 

Your pillow contains a large amount of bacteria, and you need to get rid of it. Try washing your pillow case every other day for a while, so you can see the improvement. Your skin will thank you.

dirty pillows

3. Avoid as much stress as you can.

Being stressed can cause havoc on your hormones, leading to a much worse situation.

4. Don’t use a lot of make-up.

Using a lot of make-up can clog the pores even more. So use light make-up and make sure to wash it off well at the end of the day.

In a pinch – If you have a blemish you need to get rid of quickly, use a little bit of toothpaste. The toothpaste will dry out the blemish fast and exfoliate the pore at the same time. Use this method sparingly.

In Conclusion

Follow all these tips for the full 10 days. Make sure to stick to this very closely, and you will see results. After the 10 days, start your daily regimen.

If you don’t have a regimen, it is a great time to get one. Keep your skin flawless can take a lot of work, but in the end it is worth it.

Last but not least, eat healthily and drink lots of water.